

Borderline Extra 289 vom 08/10/2004

zusammengestellt und moderiert von Dirk Liese


James Chance White







Album (Label)



James Chance & The Contortions

Contort Yourself


Buy (ZE 1979 / 2004)

James Chance & The Contortions

Design To Kill


Buy (ZE 1979 / 2004)

James Chance & The Contortions

Bedroom Athlete


Buy (ZE 1979 / 2004)

James White & The Blacks

Contort Yourself (August Darnell Remix)


Off White (ZE 1979 / 2004)

James White & The Blacks

Stained Sheets


Off White (ZE 1979 / 2004)

James Chance & The Contortions

Don´t Stop Till You Get Enough


Paris 1980 – Live Aux Bains Douches (ZE 2004)

James White & The Blacks

Sax Maniac


Sax Maniac (Animal 1982)

James White & The Blacks

Sax Machine


Sax Maniac (Animal 1982)

James White´s Flaming Demonics

I Danced Whith A Zombie


James White´s Flaming Demonics (ZE 1983/2004)


ZE Records

10 rue Bachaumont

75002 Paris

Phone : + 33 (0)1 42 93 84 61

Fax : + 33 (0)1 42 93 38 38



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